Friday, July 22, 2011

Progressive Caucus Needs Representative Sewell Now!

Progressive Congressional Caucus Needs Representative Sewell Now!
Thanks to grassroots phone calls, the number of House members who signed the Progressive Caucus letter opposing any cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits has jumped from 2 to 80! But Representative Terri Sewell has not signed yet, and the situation is urgent.

Negotiations are happening this weekend, and we need to show that Democrats in the House won't pass a deal that cuts benefits. Can you call Rep. Sewell now and tell her to co-sign the letter?Progressives have the momentum -- and with your help, we'll keep it up by having Representative Terri Sewell: (202) 225-2665 fighting on our side. Thanks for helping save Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Leader Pelosi,
We write in strong agreement with your unwavering defense of the Democratic programs that form the bedrock of America’s middle and working classes, and which are overwhelmingly popular.
On July 7, you made very clear that “We are not going to balance the budget on the backs of America’s seniors, women and people with disabilities” and that “we do not support cuts in benefits” for vital safety-net programs. We agree completely.
Especially in these tough economic times, we should not be cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits that millions of our constituents paid into and depend on. Such benefit cuts should be off the table in current debt discussions.
Our Republican colleagues should be embarrassed by their insistence that unless Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits are cut, the nation will default on its debts. Middle-class families have sacrificed enough, and a deal that pushes the American Dream further out of reach, in order to pay for extending tax breaks for the rich and corporations, is simply unacceptable.
We are united as Democrats in saying that it’s time to stand up to the Republican hostage-taking. We will not be forced to vote for a “final agreement” that we do not agree to -- and that the American people do not agree to.
We stand united with you in insisting that benefit cuts for working families, our seniors, children, and people with disabilities must be off the table, and we stand united with you in fighting for millions of Americans who need Democrats to be firmly on their side.
Raul Grijalva
Congressional Progressive Caucus
Keith Ellison
Congressional Progressive Caucus
Call Representative Terri Sewell: (202) 225-2665 NOW and ask her to co-sign the letter!

1 comment:

  1. 做为朋友,我支持你的倡议。做为不同国家的工人阶级,我们相互的理解和支持。因为,世界工人阶级都在努力,我们需要团结的斗争!
    As a friend, I support your initiative. As the working class in different countries, our mutual understanding and support. Because the world working class are struggling, we need unity and struggle!
