Homosexual Penguins Threaten Christian Marriage
At the Bremerhaven zoo in northern Germany, the behavior of six penguins that formed same-sex couples has revived the incipient scientific debate about the origins of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. Biological or social? When Heike Kuek, director of the zoo, decided in late January to bring in female Humboldt penguins from a Swedish zoo, her intentions were -- biologically speaking -- understandable. The Humboldt penguin is an endangered species. Today there are just 20,000 of these birds left, and most live along the Pacific coast of Chile and Peru. At the Bremerhaven zoo are 14 of them -- 10 males and four females -- as part of a European program to ensure protection of the species.
In theory, in a protected environment, the penguins should reproduce and multiply. But the arithmetic of procreation occasionally runs into a twist: the 14 penguins formed seven pairs with the four females mating with four males and reproducing just once. The remaining six males formed three homosexual pairs, which in their fruitless attempts to produce offspring have attempted to incubate rocks that they have confused for eggs. So Kuek decided to import four females, which were charged with attracting the males who had formed same-sex couples. But the effort came too late. The Bremerhaven males ignored the female penguins from Sweden, and continued their homosexual behaviors.
The Westboro Fascist Baptist Church has announced that it will picket the South Pole in protest of penguin homosexuality. Fred Phelps, the Grand Dragon of the church said, “All this global warming talk is just bull dookey. The real reason the South Pole is melting is because our god hates homosexual penguins and is taking them with him back to his home in Hell.”
The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is a Fascist cabal known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities, which include picketing funerals and desecrating the American flag. The church is widely described as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. It is headed by Fred Phelps and consists mostly of members of his large family. In 2007, it had 71 members. The church is headquartered in a residential neighborhood on the west side of Topeka about three miles west of the Kansas State Capitol at 3701 West 12th Street, Topeka, Kansas, United States.
In July 2005, the Westboro Baptist Church declared its intention to picket the memorial service of Carrie French in Boise, Idaho. French, 19, was killed on June 5 in Kirkuk, Iraq, where she served as an ammunition specialist with the 116th Brigade Combat Team's 145th Support Battalion. Phelps Sr. was quoted as saying, "Our attitude toward what's happening with the war is the Lord is punishing this evil nation for abandoning all moral imperatives that are worth a dime."
In 2006, Westboro picketed with banners saying "God hates fags" and "Thank God for dead soldiers" at the Westminster, Maryland, funeral of Matthew Snyder, a U.S. Marine who was also killed in Iraq.
Well, I like it.