History of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV Knights of the Free State of NickajackThe First Alabama Cavalry, United States Volunteers In war it’s helpful if soldiers learn to hate the enemy, something the citizens of a democracy aren’t normally brought up to do. In the case of the 1st Alabama Cavalry, United States Volunteers, however, hatred for their enemy wasn’t something learned under fire. Soldiers of the regiment brought their hatred for secession, and secessionists with them to the battlefield. Their blue uniforms clothed a red fury at the state government and its citizens that sought to coerce them into the Confederate army. These minions harassed and brutalized their families, drove them from their homes into the Alabama hills, then into Union lines, and at last into the ranks of the U.S. Army. ![]() Slowly, by ones, twos, and handfuls, the north Alabama men filtered into the Union lines around Corinth, Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee. By the middle of 1862, Union forces also occupied Decatur, Huntsville, and Nashville. Although generally unknown today, all eleven states of the old Confederacy, including Alabama, had expatriate sons who fought in Union blue. Strong ties to the “Old Flag” existed in the South, mostly in the hill country where few owned slaves. They had no wish to fight what they saw as a planters’ war to preserve slavery and the political and economic power that went with it. Unionist feeling in Alabama was strongest in the northern half of the state and, while centered in Winston County, was heavy throughout the region. The 1st Alabama Cavalry, U.S. Volunteers was the military result of that anti-secession feeling. The regiment was formed in October 1862 in Huntsville and Memphis, and mustered into Federal service that December in Corinth, Mississippi. Company officers were chosen from among the men and Captain George E. Spencer was later named Colonel and given overall command. The “1st” was one of six Union regiments from Alabama, the only cavalry unit, and its ranks contained both whites and blacks. The other five were infantry and artillery units raised during the war, were composed of ex-slaves, and officially called “African Descent” regiments. During the war over two thousand loyal Southerners served in the 1st Alabama: farmers, mechanics, traders and others, from 35 counties of Alabama and eight other Confederate states. They ranged in age from as young as 15 years to as old as 60. Some, young and old, lied about their ages in order to enlist. The 1st Alabama mustered men from 35 Alabama counties, and eight other Confederate states. There were also men from the border states of Kentucky and Missouri, from seven northern states, and from eight foreign countries. The “1st” WAS diversity 130 years before it became “politically correct.”
By the time Sherman’s forces entered Atlanta in late 1864, the “1st’s” reputation was secure. One general called the Alabama troops “invaluable...equal in zeal to anything we discovered in Tennessee.” And Major General John Logan, commanding the 15th Army Corps in Sherman’s forces, praised the troopers as “the best scouts I ever saw, and (they) know the country well from here to Montgomery.” General Sherman, knowing the value of his Alabama troops as soldiers and symbols of the loyal South, chose them as his escort on the march from Atlanta to the sea. The honor of guarding the Army’s commander, however, did not keep the 1st Alabama Cavalry from the line of fire. On 10 March 1865, soon after entering North Carolina, the 1st was embroiled in its hardest fight. At Monroe’s Crossroads the regiment was surprised in its camp by the dawn attack of Confederate cavalry under Generals Joseph Wheeler and Wade Hampton. The official report said that “a bloody hand-to-hand conflict” followed, lasting more than three hours. Only the timely appearance of a section of field artillery enabled the hard-pressed Alabamians to drive the Confederates from their camp and hold them off until help came.
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These Brave Men of the 1st Alabama Cavalry give me pause for their commitment to their ideals.It seems to me a reminder of what a few right minded men can accomplish in a just cause. It also reminds me of how pampered my modern life is compared to the hardships these men shouldered. It is said some men where as old as 50 and 60 years old when they soldiered off for the Union. The thought of walking,hiking,marching,Riding through unforgiving country of that era 7 days a week, week in and week out astonishes me as to their physical and mental toughness. They must have been tougher than shoe leather and hard as nails. May their service to the cause of free and just peoples forever endure. Many thanks to all who help memorialize the Alabama 1st Cavalry. Blessing to all. Kenneth A. Nesmith